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ISPRM 2022


Thank you for offering to take an active role in the congress.

Please follow the steps below to submit your abstract. To register please fill out all the required data on this page by clicking on "New Abstract Submission" option. You will then receive an email containing the username, password and link to access the abstract submission platform.

After accessing the platform, on the “Submit/Edit my abstract(s)” menu option, you will be directed to your "Personal area", where you should choose “New abstract”. When you follow to the confirmation page of the abstract Platform you can save it as a draft. The purpose of saving as a draft is to allow you to check if all is well with the data you have entered. You can later "Save as draft” again or “Save and submit”.

Choosing to “Save as draft” means that your abstract is not submitted yet and you can access the platform at a later moment and edit it. Choosing the option “Save and submit” means that you can no longer edit your abstract, only visualize it. In both cases an email message will be sent to you informing you of the stage of the process.


Please choose an option:

To consult/edit your abstract(s) please insert the following information:

Abstract Platform Closed.

For any further clarification, please contact: abreuevents@abreu.pt